Monday, June 7, 2010

Illustrations for The Christmas Stone

There are a lot of different elements that go into a book. It isn't just about the writing, cover and printing. Much of the unsung work takes place in typesetting--the guts of the book. I'm very blessed to be surrounded by talented people.  My sister Kathy is one of the most talented artists I know.  She did the portrait sketches for "Surviving Columbine" and when my publisher suggested we add simple illustrations as chapter headings for "The Christmas Stone" I knew Kathy had to do them.

These two sketches will be featured in the book along with ten others (12 total). Hope you enjoy the sneek peek!


  1. That is so cool that your sister is doing the illustrations for your book. It makes me more excited to read it and see all the other pictures.

  2. Oooo I'm whetting at the mouth to see the others illustrations! Kathy is so talented.

  3. Congrats to Kathy! This is awesome!
