I knew today would be busy and fun. It started with a quick morning show interview at Fox 13 to promote a few weekend signings for "The Christmas Stone" (I'll post the video soon). While I don't anticipate a career in broadcast journalism, the interview went well and drew some folks out to the Layton BN signing (a big thank you to the lovely ladies of Chancellor Gardens who made an evening out of the signing--I do hope you like the book!)..
As soon as things wrapped up around 8:30am, I booked it for the Sandy Costco to get in line for President Bush's signing (Ironically, my Sandy Costco signing that was supposed to be the day before was bumped to make preparations for Bush's visit--I'm okay with that). Although I pleaded with friends, no one was willing to get in line to hold a spot for the first hour or so and I was very nervous about being able to even meet the president since the line was already wrapped around the backside of the building and some folks had been there since the day before.
The Costco crew came around with wristbands and handed me #862. Since it was reported that Bush could sign around 300 books per hour and most people would be purchasing two books, I knew the math didn't add up well for me getting a signed book, let alone the opportunity to meet him. I met a lot of cool people in line (including Marty & Kate) and our conversations covered everything from Glenn Beck to hot flashes, to kids who text rather than call to the cold wind gushing at us periodically. We shared a lot of laughs and all became pretty good buddies (there were 9 of us to keep conversation moving and pass the time quickly). We joked that we were standing in the "hope line" since we didn't know if we'd even be able to get a book.
Around 12:30pm, we saw Bush's motorcade arrive. Per the Costco worker, there were three matching SUV's that all came through separate entrances as an added security measure. Soon we saw some early line members trickle into the parking lot with signed books. We were greatly encouraged because the line started moving substantially and we were pretty confident we would get to meet the president.
A few soldiers in uniform passed by our line and were greeted by applause from the crowd. It was touching as some people took pictures with these men and gave kind words of appreciation. About twenty minutes later after they'd been to Costco, they came back with signed copies of Bush's memoir. It seemed to be a fitting gesture for these men to be rushed to the front of the line to meet the man who signed their military papers.
We passed through security around 2pm and got into another "Disneyland" (moves back and forth) line. As we approached the tire center (ie Bush), some of the crowd members began singing the national anthem.
Tim McGraw music was playing inside and their weren't very many books left on the table as we rounded the corner to see the President wiping out his signature and shaking hands, a slight perspiration emerging on his forehead. Around 2:45pm, it was my turn to shake the president's hand and thank him for his tremendous service to our country. He warmly said thank you and thanked me for coming. It was a 6+ hour investment of time for 5 seconds to shake the president's hand and get a signed book, but it was worth it for me (it sure tops my President Clinton meeting!).
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